Why would I need a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant could be the helping hand you need to enable you to focus on the most important aspect of your business….your customers!

What are the advantages of using a Virtual Assistant?

  • They are freelance so, you can avoid the normal cost of employment like National Insurance, holiday pay, sick pay, training….
  • You can choose to set a number of hours per month or engage them for a single project, whatever suits your business best
  • As they work remotely, you don’t have to provide office space or equipment
  • As someone not directly involved with your business, they may be able to suggest easy ways to improve your processes
  • You can remove tasks from your to-do list, free up your time, and use it in a more productive way to grow your business

What can they do?

More than you might think! With a laptop and a decent internet connection, I could take on a number of different tasks for you. As a few examples, how would you like someone else to do these things for you?

Six Circles each with a VA task. -why would I need a Virtual Assistant

Do you now think that a Virtual Assistant could be just what you’re looking for? Would you like a helping hand to let you spend more of your time doing what you do best? Click here to see what services I can offer, book a Free Discovery Call here –

or email me to arrange a chat.